The endless success of rum in supermarkets and hypermarkets

In an extraordinary context, cane brandy will once again have been the big winner in the spirits department in 2020.
- The gain of white rums over 12 months is 1.2 million liters. The largest segment of the category, with more than 18 million liters sold in hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores, has certainly benefited from consumers' enthusiasm for home-made cocktails. Despite a growth of "only" +7%, whites were thus the first contributors to the market's volume growth.
- The market share of spicy rums in supermarkets in 2020 is 15.5%. This is 1.5 points better than the previous year. This irresistible growth (+24.2%) means they are now close to 5 million liters. An impressive score due to the Captain Morgan phenomenon. The brand run by Moët Hennessy Diageo has become the number one rum brand in 2020 and the release of the black spiced version has only served to consolidate its supremacy.
- Arranged settlements grew by 44.8%, which, as for several years now, is the most dynamic in the category. While the leader remains Isautier, followed by Rivière-du-Mât, private labels have made a major contribution to the good results. In particular, their turnover doubled to reach more than 5.2 million euros. 5.2 million, giving them a market share of 12.1% (compared with only 8.6% in 2019). The appearance of the Intermarché range at the end of 2019 is undoubtedly not unrelated to this.
- Like the growth posted by all rums in the fourth quarter of 2020 (from October to December). At 22.5%, this is almost twice as high as that of the year (+12.2%). This is mainly due to the closure of bars and restaurants during this period. Thus, December, already usually a very good month, was very strong with more than three million litres sold.
- Proof that the growth of rum is not artificial, it is pulled by the bottom of the shelf. In fact, 85% of the volume gains are acquired by the back of the shelf. And 15 % of the gains are therefore made through promotion. The weight of promotional volumes has moreover fallen slightly, from 17.4% in 2019 to 17.1% in 2020.

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