Outstanding growth for Biocoop and Naturalia in 2020

Biocoop, the leading retailer in the specialised organic network, and its runner-up Naturalia, a subsidiary of the Casino group, have announced increases in turnover of +16.6% and +22% respectively in 2020. These performances are based on the expansion of the store base, which should continue in 2021.
In fact, the organic specialists had a good year in 2020. The leader Biocoop announced today a turnover increase of +16.6% to 1.613 billion euros. This is slightly higher than in 2019 (+14.5%). The cooperative grouping has in fact created 60 new shops and plans to open 80 more this year.
In addition, Biocoop plans to continue its development of e-commerce. The click and collect service was tested in 15 shops in 2019 and was adopted by 181 shops last year. "The brand plans to have full coverage of the network by 2024," Biocoop said in a press release. 
Naturalia, Biocoop's runner-up in the organic network, also had an excellent year: +22% to €395 million. The brand has been developing throughout the country and particularly in the suburbs since the launch of Naturalia marché bio. To date, this concept concerns four points of sale: Brétigny (91), Avignon-les-Angles (84), Bayonne (64) and on Reunion Island. For this year, the specialist intends to continue its external growth strategy.


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