Planted is coming to France

Planted, the Swiss leader in plant-based alternatives to meat, arrives in France. The brand launched in 2019 by Pascal Bieri is characterised by a list of ingredients reduced to a minimum: pea fibers, pea proteins, water, rapeseed oil and vitamin B12. For its supply of yellow peas, the key ingredient in its recipes, the Swiss start-up mainly favors France and refrains from using any additives, GMOs or soy in the composition of its recipes.

Launched in 2019, the start-up has been very successful in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Its products are now marketed by the two main retail chains in Switzerland, Migros and Coop, as well as the main German retailer Edeka.

In order to tackle the French market, Planted is banking on the composition of its products, with pulled pork as the first alternative to pork, and also on a communication strategy based mainly on social networks in order to be able to talk directly to French consumers and answer their questions.


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