Savencia pushes plant-based products with Vivre Vert

After the launch of Tartare vegetal in the spring, Savencia will launch a cross-sectional range in October, with no less than 13 references. The cheese alternatives, desserts, drinks and cooking aids will carry the Vivre Vert brand name.
Cheese slices for sandwiches, as well as a grated cheese, will join competitors Nurishh (Bel) and Violife (Upfield) which arrived before the summer.
On the ultra-fresh side, Vivre Vert is coming up with four individual 200g yogurts (plain, vanilla, raspberry and mango). The brand opts for recipes rich in fruit, based with water and coconut cream (95%).
The same idea is found in the plant-based drinks section, where four SKUs are planned : oat, hazelnut, almond and coconut. The almond version, for example, contains 7% fruit compared to 2.5% for the rest of the market.
Two cooking aids, including one based with organic rice, also made their appearance.


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