Hipp launches Bebivita !

Hipp, a forerunner in organic children's nutrition in supermarkets, is launching a new brand exclusively dedicated to organic specialists. Named Bebivita, it is, of course, organic but also eco-responsible.
Recyclable glass jars, without cardboard packaging and containing various recipes for toddlers made from organic ingredients. These are the main features of Bebivita, the new baby food brand launched by Hipp.
And there is another important feature: this range will be exclusively dedicated to the organic specialist channel. This is a first for the manufacturer, a pioneer in organic babyfood, which until now was mainly present in supermarkets.
  • Around 20 references
For its launch, Bebivita is offering 21 products ranging from the essential compotes to menus, as well as stir-fries and evening dishes combining vegetables and starches to help baby get a good night's sleep. The products are available from 4 months for fruit compotes and vegetable purées and from 6 months for the other products in the range.


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