Champagne sales in 5 figures

600 000 
This is the number of French buyers lost by the category since 2018. In mid-September 2021, 24.1% of French people had purchased champagne in the last 12 months. A figure down - 2.8 points compared to 2018. On the other hand, the number of purchases per household is up.
94 €
This is the average annual budget allocated per household to champagne. This is down by - €8.50 compared to 2018.
41 %
The over 65 age group accounts for 41% of champagne spending. In contrast, the under 35 age group represents only 7%. In summary, three quarters of champagne purchases in 2021 were made by households over 50.
34 %
This is the weight of the end of the year in the annual turnover of champagne. In comparison, this period represents 29% of the value of still wine sales. Champagne is definitely a "holiday" beverage which, like the other star categories of this period, has suffered from a less favourable context for celebrations in recent years.
 + 20 %
This is the increase in sales for the champagne department between the first ten months of 2020 and those of 2021. The category has indeed been on the rise again since the beginning of the year, with a certain amount of freedom regained and the possibility of getting together again. A trend that suggests a very good end of the year 2021.


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