Market shares: the top 10 retailers in the drinks department

With respective jumps of +0.7 and 0.8 points, Leclerc and Système U are the retailers whose market share in the drinks sector has increased the most over the last 12 months.

Leclerc and Système U are undoubtedly the big winners of the last twelve months. Already well positioned in terms of market share for all FMCG-fresh products with respective growth of +0.5 and +0.3 points, the two distributors are doing even better in the drinks sector alone.

The leader Leclerc has seen its share of the drinks market (excluding wine) jump by +0.7 points over a sliding year to 3 October 2021. This allows it to claim 23.0% of the turnover of the department in supermarkets.

The jump of the U is even more significant (+ 0.8 point) and allows the cooperative group to reach 11.2 % of market share in drinks.

In the wake of the two independent networks, Intermarché and Lidl are also in the spotlight. They respectively gained 0.2 points (Intermarché at 14.8%) and 0.3 points (Lidl at 5.6%).

The revival of the Carrefour group's brands is also notable with + 0.2 points for hypermarkets (to 10.1%) and + 0.3 points for supermarkets (to 8.1%).

This contrasts with Auchan hypermarkets, which are still performing badly (-0.6 points). With a 6.5% market share in drinks, they are still ahead of Lidl (5.6%) in this department, while the two brands are neck and neck in the total FMCG-Fresh Food Self Service (6.7% each).


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