Auchan tests a common shelf for “zero versions”

It's unheard of! While the range of alcohol-free products is constantly expanding, the Auchan shop in Caluire (69), in the suburbs of Lyon, has taken the bold step of grouping all the categories of drinks that meet this criterion in one place. Thus, under the banner "zero zone", there are four elements offering beers, spirits and non-alcoholic wines.

This was done in the wine section, near the Bag-in-box®. It's a local initiative," says Paul-Edouard Pinte, head of Auchan's liquids group. But we are monitoring the performance of this system because we have already asked ourselves about this grouping.

The shop's range of 0.0% liquids is particularly extensive. In the beer section, the store offers a number of top brands from the beer cellar, such as VandeStreek, Brewdog, BRLO and Paulaner, as well as the stars of the department, such as Heineken 0.0% and Tourtel Twist. On the wine side, we can mention Le Petit Béret, Grain d'Envie and d'Artigny and on the spirits side Martini, Palermo, Mister Cocktail, Venezzio or Cristal Limiñana.

Note that the banners and the name of the "zero zone" concept are signed by Heineken. The Dutch brewer has already installed this system in more than 1,250 supermarkets and hypermarkets in France in 2019, but until now it has only included alcohol-free beers.

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