Carrefour and Everli sign a commercial partnership

Carrefour and Everli have entered into a partnership that will give the marketplace more complete and give fluid access to the retailer's hypermarket and supermarket assortments.
Carrefour allows Everli to offer a catalog of up to 20,000 items, including a wide range of traditional fresh products available in the company's various stores.
The customer logs onto the Everli application or website and chooses the store where a shopper will do the shopping for them. Without changing the interface, the consumer puts together his or her basket and selects a delivery slot, which Everli will provide on the same day.
Arriving in France in 2021, the company is currently installed in ten French cities (Lyon, Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Lille, Nantes, Grenoble, Strasbourg, Rennes) and still plans to expand its network. The commercial agreement, which is already in place in Italy and Poland, will be extended to the Italian start-up's future launches in international markets.
Through this partnership, Carrefour also allows Everli to benefit from certain data tools such as Carrefour Links.
For the moment, the two companies have not communicated on pricing.

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