Carrefour commits to vegetal products

With the " Lundi c'est Veggie" campaign, co-developed with Danone and in partnership with five manufacturers (Bonduelle, Barilla, NS Nutrition, Happyvore and Unilever), Carrefour aims to promote healthy, vegetarian and vegan food.

WWF is also involved in this operation, which starts on 31st March. In this context, the retailer is putting its omnichannel universe at the service of this initiative and all Carrefour's e-commerce services will be mobilised (drives and LAD). From 5th April, certain recipes will be available exclusively on Cajoo and Carrefour Sprint. In addition, six plant-based recipes can be discovered via live cookings, broadcast on the Carrefour website on 31st March, 7th and 14th April. This initiative is carried out within the framework of Carrefour's Food Transition Pact, which brings together 38 international suppliers to implement concrete projects on health, nutrition, climate and biodiversity.,407866

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