Flink buys Cajoo and partners with Carrefour

Everything is going very fast in quick-commerce. A year and a half after the launch of its activity, the French operator Cajoo has been acquired by Flink.
Flink wants to strengthen its position in France, where it is present in Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. In the first quarter of 2022, Cajoo processed nearly 450,000 orders and more than 400,000 French people have downloaded the application.
Flink will integrate Cajoo's preparation process and merge the teams into the quick-merchant's organization.
As a minority shareholder of Cajoo, Carrefour is also involved in the deal. The group led by Alexandre Bompard thereby becomes a shareholder of Flink and its exclusive partner in France. "Carrefour will provide a large part of its assortment, including its own brands as well as organic and exclusive products," the statement said. Carrefour will also leverage Flink's logistics and operational capabilities and its store network to accelerate its own quick commerce service, Carrefour Sprint."


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