Nothing can really beat a proper face-to-face meeting…

Our Business development team, Jade and Nathalie were delighted to welcome Robin Davies, Konstantina Kotta and Philippa Whelan from Santander UK, for their first visit in Paris after our official partnership started in January this year.

Next month, Santander UK is launching a new online platform Santander Navigator, which allows UK companies to identify growth opportunities in specific countries, optimize logistics and build relationships with service providers. Sutralis has been selected as an official partner to bring awareness on business opportunities in the food and drink sector in France.

This meeting in Paris was the occasion to learn more about the platform and how businesses can benefit from it, but also to strengthen our relationships while sharing a moment of pure conviviality over a delicious dinner!

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Market Overview of Rum in Supermarket

General Trends: Sales Decline: For the year ending May 2024, rum sales in supermarkets show a decrease ...

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Pepsico updates its classic Lay's potato chip ranges before summer

Just before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Lay's, France's leading potato chips brand with a 31% market ...

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