4 out of 10 French people buy in-bulk food products at least once a month

The hypermarket of Chécy (45) is one of the first Leclerc stores to offer the new in-bulk concept of the brand, dedicated to private labels.

Questioned in August by the Yougov institute, 41% of French people declare to buy in-bulk products at least once a month. Two thirds of them started this initiative less than five years ago and 19% less than a year ago. Supermarkets are the preferred channel of in-bulk purchases (59% of responses), ahead of organic stores (40%), markets (24%) or specialized grocery stores (21%).
The first motivation for buying in-bulk is to reduce waste (57% of responses), purchasing the exact right amount to avoid waste (48%), a more competitive price (35%) or the desire to eat healthier products (24%). On the other hand, those who have not yet switched to in-bulk products say this form of sale has a lack of practicality (35% of responses), hygiene risks (28%), and high prices (25%). In addition, 29% of the respondents have never tested the in-bulk products because of lack of availability in their stores.
If 63% of French people would like to be able to buy their usual branded products without packaging, only 37% would agree to go to a store further away to find the products they usually consume.

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