Moderato x Monoprix: A new line of alcohol-free wine for Olympic season

Are you looking for a refreshing and guilt-free drink to enjoy during the Olympic Games? Look no further than the new range of alcohol-free wine from Moderato and Monoprix!

This special cuvée is available in three flavors: red, white, and rosé. It is made with high-quality grapes and is perfect for enjoying on its own or with food. The 25cl glass bottle is the perfect size for on-the-go, and the price of €3.45 per bottle is very affordable.

The Moderato x Monoprix alcohol-free wine is the perfect way to celebrate the Olympic Games without compromising on your health or taste. It is available now at 220 Monoprix stores across France.

Additional information:
  • The wine is made with grapes from the Gers region of France.
  • The red wine is made from Merlot grapes, the white wine is made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes, and the rosé wine is made from a blend of grapes.
  • The wine is vegan and gluten-free.


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