The French Gluten-Free Sweet Market

The French gluten-free sweet market is booming. In 2023, it represented €112.5 million, with growth of +9% in value (-0.7% in volume). This growth can be explained by several factors, including the increase in the number of people with gluten intolerance, but also the adoption of a healthier diet by a growing number of consumers.

An increasing number of demanding consumers

It is estimated that 8% of the French population consumes gluten-free products, of which 63% are women. Among them,only 1% are celiac. This means that the majority of gluten-free consumers are people who are sensitive to gluten but are not sick.
These consumers are increasingly demanding and are looking for high-quality and gourmet gluten-free products. This is why manufacturers are constantly innovating and offering increasingly wide ranges of products.

More and more gourmet and innovative products

The range of gluten-free sweet products has expanded considerably in recent years. There are now biscuits, cakes,pastries, pastries, ice cream desserts, etc., for all tastes and desires.

Manufacturers are focusing on indulgence and offer gluten-free products that are just as tasty as traditional products.There are thus biscuits and cakes with chocolate, vanilla, fruit, etc., with varied textures and flavors.

More and more gluten-free products benefit from a double nutritional claim, that is to say that they are gluten-free and lactose-free. This meets a growing demand from consumers, who are increasingly concerned about their health.

Organic is popular

Organic is a fast-growing segment of the gluten-free sweet market. In 2023, it represented 23% of gluten-free sales in UC.Consumers are increasingly inclined to buy organic products, because they associate organic products with healthy and quality products.

Manufacturers have understood this and are offering increasingly extensive ranges of organic gluten-free products. There are thus biscuits, cakes, pasta, flours, etc., made with organic ingredients from sustainable agriculture.

Opportunities for manufacturers

The gluten-free sweet market is a changing market, with many opportunities for manufacturers. Companies that innovate and offer high-quality and gourmet products are well-placed to benefit from this growth.

Here are some trends to follow:
  • Development of gluten-free products for children: more and more children are consuming gluten-free products.Manufacturers must therefore offer products adapted to their tastes and needs.
  • Launch of nomadic products: consumers are increasingly mobile and are looking for products that they can easily take with them. Manufacturers must therefore develop individual formats and practical packaging.
  • Continued innovation: consumers are looking for ever more innovative gluten-free products. Manufacturers must therefore continue to invest in research and development.

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