I scream for Ice cream ! The ice cream industry took advantage of the very good weather and the lockdowns to regain its health after an unsatisfactory year in 2019. Sales have been strong all year, which is pushing stakeholders to innovate more and more. The ice cream cones are doing better than the overall ice cream aisle, with a progression of 11.1% of sales in 2020. With Unilever relaunching Cornetto and Froneri offring new textures, this segment has been full of innovations for this year.
Another successful segment is the popsicle. One ice cream sale out of 4 is made for a popsicle. With a market share of 23.9% and a turnover progression of 13.3 in 2020, this category is doing more than well. Two new brands have just integrated this segment, with Ferrero launching Rocher and Raffaello, and What the French launching organic popsicles.
The ice cream tubs are also continuing their rise. Leaders like Haagen-Dazs, Ben & Jerry’s and Magnum are constantly reinventing their products and offering more and more flavors. Mini-tubs have also been popular in 2020 with a growth of 30.7%. The two new brands on this market are Malo with 6 flavors of frozen yogurt tubs and Mars with M&M’s, Bounty and Snickers tub.
Source: Linéaire n°357
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