Pepsico updates its classic Lay's potato chip ranges before summer

Just before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Lay's, France's leading potato chips brand with a 31% market share in value terms, is updating its image to meet consumer expectations and strengthen its position.

New packaging

The first noticeable change is the packaging. The Lay's potato chip bag now has a more modern and eco-responsible look:
  • Material: 50% plant-based, made from plant oil, to reduce the environmental impact.
  • Appearance: Matte finish and central visual highlighting the potato, the main ingredient of the chips.
Healthier recipes

Concerned about the health of its consumers, Lay's is reformulating 80% of its classic range to obtain a Nutri-Score B (or C with the new algorithm). This nutritional improvement results in a 40% reduction in salt content compared to previous recipes. It should be noted that this salt reduction is higher than the average for the potato chip market.

New brand signature

To accompany this renewal, Lay's is adopting a new signature: "joy is a simple recipe". This signature emphasizes:
  • The simplicity of the ingredients: Lay's potato chips are made with three essential ingredients: potatoes, oil and salt.
  • Simple moments of pleasure: The brand wants to associate the consumption of its chips with moments of conviviality and sharing.
Marketing activation
  • Two new TV commercials: These commercials will highlight the brand's dual emotional and functional side: the simplicity of the ingredients and the taste pleasure.
  • Summer tour with a food truck: A traveling food truck will crisscross France all summer long to offer consumers the opportunity to taste the new Lay's potato chips in the company of Michelin-starred chefs.
Ambitious goals

With this complete makeover, Lay's aims to:
  • Continue its growth: The brand is targeting double-digit growth in the years to come.
  • Strengthen its leading position: Lay's wants to position itself as the most responsible and most popular potato chip brand on the French market.
In summary, Lay's is adopting a new visual identity, healthier recipes and a dynamic marketing strategy to meet the expectations of French consumers and strengthen its leading position in the potato chip market.


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