15% new organic product consumers in 2020

The 18th barometer of the Agence Bio dedicated to the year 2020 was presented on march 19th.
Through this, we learn that in 2020, consumers of organic products have left large-scale retail outlets (-3 points vs. 2019) in favour of small producers. Markets, farm producers, craftsmen (bakers, butchers, etc.) and specialised organic shops recorded an increase of 6 points compared to 2019, when the first lockdown happened. Another lesson: one in ten organic consumers did not return to buy organic products in supermarkets after the lockdown. Consumers also consumed more local products (+12%) and organic products (+5%).
Moreover, 80% of French people plan to maintain their future consumption of organic products and 11% plan to increase it. This is good news in this difficult economic context. Another piece of good news that confirms that organic products are firmly established among consumers: the proportion of the budget devoted to organic products remains stable for 53% of the population.
The main reason for consuming organic products remains health (61%), followed by the preservation of the environment (48%) with a very strong marker among 18-24 year olds, 62% of whom indicate that they consume organic products at least once a month to preserve the environment. Among the other reasons for consuming organic products, 39% of those surveyed mentioned the greater availability of organic products in their usual places of purchase and 38% cited ethical reasons.

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