The good return of still wines in figures

The year 2021 started off on a high note with a volume growth of +4.9%. Even more remarkable is the fact that this increase in still wine sales is accompanied by a clear increase in value, since sales have risen by 8.5%. It should be noted that this is even higher than for all consumer products (+ 5.3%).
Like many categories, still wines have been running at full speed on the drive (+ 66.5 %) since the beginning of 2021. But the good results of the department can be found in all channels and particularly in convenience stores (+13.2%).
In terms of colours, white wines clearly stand out with double-digit growth (+16,5%). But after their decline in 2020, red wines are back in the green. Although their revenue growth is not spectacular (+5.6%), it is still equivalent to 35% of the growth of the shelf in 2021.
Finally, already very successful last year (+11.1% in value), the organic wines continued their momentum (+18.8% against +7.9% for conventional references). Their market share is now 5.6% (against 5.1% in 2020). And this should not stop, as organic wines are among the stars of the spring wine fairs that are currently being held.

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