Food supplements: an excellent year in 2020

Food supplements are among the markets that have grown in 2020. By combining the data of different channels provided by various panels (Iqvia for pharmacies and drugstores, Iri for mass retail, good Bio Analytics for organic stores, fevad, procos and distributors for online sales), Synadiet, the national union of dietary supplements, estimates that the market has increased by 1.9% in 2020. The pharmacy remains the main channel: 50% of sales of dietary supplements are made in pharmacies. Not surprisingly, online sales are those that have grown the most: +30%. Mass retail (9% of the market) shows a good dynamic (+3.4%) as well as organic stores (+4% of turnover, 11% of market share). On the other hand, parapharmacies and specialized shops, which are classified as non-essential businesses, suffered from the mandatory closures during the containment periods.,378088

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