Michel & Augustin goes all out for ultra-fresh superfruits

Michel & Augustin's 'Vache à boire' range of ultra-fresh products has been enriched with three original recipes called 'Super', which are positioned on the health front. This is surprising for a brand that has accustomed us to ultra-flavours!
The new super fruit and vitamin-enriched products are available in Boost (blood orange-lemon-turmeric), Bodyguard (apple-kiwi ginger) and Anti-rust (blackberry-lime-acai berry).
In addition, the entire Vache à boire range has been switched to semi-skimmed milk and now has a Nutri-Score B. In addition, Michel & Augustin wants to be more committed and boasts a responsible approach for its Madagascar vanilla by joining the Livelihoods fund for family farming. The programme promotes the vanilla of 2,400 small-scale producers on the island, who are members of a cooperative called Tambatra.
Improving the nutritional profile, the naturalness and simplicity of recipes and working on supply chains are now part of Michel & Augustin's roadmap.


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