So'Nigiri is coming to France

Daunat has just announced the acquisition in February 2021 of the young company Horizon des Mets founded in 2016 by Alexis Gérard. The French leader in sandwiches is thus acquiring the So'Nigiri brand, which markets another culinary speciality which comes from Japan.

Onigiri, is a popular snack in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is made of rice, wrapped in nori seaweed and garnished.

So'nigiri offers five recipes: avocado, salmon, tuna, chicken and beef. The 135g portion is recommended at around 3€.

The product has great potential, especially as it can be eaten on the move, without cutlery, has a Nutri-score B and a short list of ingredients. So’Nigiri will be found shortly in the snacking of retailers.

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