The organic market in France grew €1.3 billion in 2020

Despite the year 2020 being marked by the pandemic, the organic market in France continues to grow, reaching 13.2 billion euros in sales, up 10.4%. The French have largely turned to buying organic products in 2020. According to the Agence Bio, the organic market has exceeded 13 billion euros in turnover, growing by 10.4% (versus +13.5% in 2019). Home consumption accounts for 12.67 billion euros of purchases (+12.2%), while the catering sector accounts for 505 million euros (-21%). Organic food represents 6.5% of the food budget of French households (+0.4 points compared to 2019), i.e. an annual sum of 188 euros.

While the consumption of raw products remains strong, organic "processed" products are accelerating: sales of organic beers are up 33%, frozen foods up 30% and groceries up 17%. In terms of distribution, all channels have been dynamic. Supermarkets (6.9 billion euros of organic sales) grew by 11.9%, organic networks (3.6 billion euros) by 13.1%. Mass retail still dominates the sector with a market share of almost 55%.

The weight of imports of organic products has remained stable (33.5% in 2020 versus 33.1% in 2019). This rate drops to 20.9% if we remove exotic products, impossible to grow in mainland France. Thus, to date, 67% of organic products are of French origin, 18% of EU origin and 15% from the rest of the world. Exports, especially wine, increased by 7.5% to 887 million euros.

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