Plant products still growing

Turnover of plant products rose by 9.1% in the year-to-date period to 23 May, to €522 million, reports Iri. 
Plant-based beverages remain the heavyweight of the category, with 191 million euros, and a growth of 6.3%, ahead of plant-based ultra-fresh (140 million, +12.6%). Plant-based catering closes the top three, with a turnover for all channels of 114 million euros, up 11.3%.

  • Hard discount
In Europe, the plant-based food sector has grown by a considerable 49% over the past two years, with hard discounters even exceeding the growth rates of supermarkets in most countries in various categories.

In France sales have grown by 21% in value and 18% in volume. Hard discount sales of these products have soared (+90% in value and +112% in volume). While plant-based dairy products continue to dominate the plant-based food market, the strongest growth is coming from meat alternatives. Almond milk remains by far the most popular product in France.

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