E-commerce should exceed 10% in 2023 on FMCGs

E commerce is growing and still has potential :
8.9% of overall FMCG sales
+2.6 pts in two years
+38% of traffic in two years
+50% more spending in two years
Behind the widely popular drive, the number of FMCG ordering channels is increasing.
            % of household users
Drive 32.1
Home delivery GSA 8.6
Generalist pure players (Amazon, C discount, etc.) 8.7
Pedestrian drive 7.2  
Recipe boxes (Quitoque, Hello Fresh, etc.) 5.0
Collaborative deliveries (Shopop, Yper, etc.) 2.1
Pure food players (La Belle vie, Pic Nic, etc.) 1.8
Jow application 1.0
Quick Commerce (Cajoo, Gorillas, etc.) 0.7
Via Coursiers (Glovo, etc.) 0.4
For the moment, quick-commerce has only seduced 0.7% of French households and 1.6% of Parisians, who have tested an average of 4 different apps among the ten or so that exist.
The mix of online and offline purchases is also growing
64.5% of households make their purchases exclusively in stores.
35.5% of households mix their off-line and on-line purchases (+6 pts in two years).

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