More than two out of ten drinks sold in cans

The can is gaining popularity! Despite the health crisis, the metal format has gained momentum over other beverage packaging in shops. In two years, their sales have jumped by +9.5% in volume in supermarkets according to IRI. They now account for 22.3% of beverage sales in France, i.e. an increase in market share of +0.5 points since 2019, according to data provided by the GIE La Boîte Boisson.
Over the past year, metal cans have grown by +4.1%, even more than plastic bottles (+0.5%) and glass bottles (+3.3%). While all can sizes are up, from 15 cl to 50 cl, the best performance is for 25 cl cans, which are up 20.5%.
Behind this growth is the release of many hard seltzers in this format, as well as the launch of multiple brands of canned wine, speciality beers and water. But more than anything else, the good health of cans can be explained by their success in the soft drinks department. In this category, sales of cans increased by +7.3% in 2021, i.e. almost three times the growth of the market. The performance of the dynamic energy drinks segment (+25%) is particularly noteworthy.

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