Cristaline breaks into the top 3 of most chosen brands

Kantar Worldpanel has just unveiled its Brand Footprint France 2024 ranking. Among the highlights: the arrival of Cristaline on the podium, usually occupied by Herta, Fleury Michon and Président.

It's time for a change. According to Kantar Worldpanel's Brand Footprint 2024 France study, which ranks the most chosen national brands, "the most striking fact is the entry of Cristaline into the top three, exceeding 200 million annual purchase acts and shaking up the fresh food players," says Solène Molinier, General Manager of Worldpanel France. And for good reason! For over 10 years, Herta, Fleury Michon and Président were the only brands to dominate this ranking. Inflation is now disrupting the balance.

Brands that offer price benefits to consumers have undeniably enjoyed a competitive advantage in 2023. This is reflected in the five brands in the Top 50 that have gained the most traffic. Like Cristaline. France's favorite water has risen to second place in the overall ranking thanks to its strategy implemented for several years: a water that is present in a large number of stores and at an affordable price.


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